Twisted Passion - Xian Dai Hao Fang Nu (1985)Director Yang Chuan airs the dirty laundry on politicians and closet gays in torrid and wicked Twisted Passion. Councillor wannabe Ma Yu-chang (Chang Kuo-chu) gives his wife everything she could09-10-20138.61040
Director Yang Chuan airs the dirty laundry on politicians and closet gays in torrid and wicked "Twisted Passion". Councillor wannabe Ma Yu-chang (Chang Kuo-chu) gives his wife everything she could possibly want - except sexual attention. The frustrated Tina falls in love with young designer Sam (Tang Chen-tsung) which drives Ma into a rage. Tina then learns why her husband is so cold towards her in bed. When Sam is found lying in a pool of blood, Tina decides to blow Ma's cover...
Twisted Passion Tập 1, Twisted Passion Tập 2, Twisted Passion Tập 3, Twisted Passion Tập 4, Twisted Passion Tập 5,
Xian Dai Hao Fang Nu Episode 1, Xian Dai Hao Fang Nu Episode 2, Xian Dai Hao Fang Nu Episode 3, Xian Dai Hao Fang Nu Episode 4, Xian Dai Hao Fang Nu Episode 5,
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