Kẻ Nói Dối - Liar Paradox (2013)Based on a manga by Akira Kizuki and Nanki Sato, the film stars Nami Motoyama as an office worker named Hinako Seiyuu and Akihiro Mayama as a co-worker named Shunsuke Yokado who’s in love with her.11-01-201491046
Based on a manga by Akira Kizuki and Nanki Sato, the film stars Nami Motoyama as an office worker named Hinako Seiyuu and Akihiro Mayama as a co-worker named Shunsuke Yokado who’s in love with her. In order to deal with the loneliness of being in a long-distance relationship with her real boyfriend, Hinako agrees to start seeing Yokado on the condition that they won’t have sex. However, as Hinako begins using Yokado as a substitute lover, the nature of their unconventional relationship becomes increasingly ambiguous.